Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

Hinckley and Bosworth Candidate
Peter Cheshire

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Peter Cheshire - Reform UK Candidate

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Peter Cheshire - Reform UK Candidate

Peter Cheshire Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth

Peter Cheshire, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Reform UK standing in the Hinckley & Bosworth Constituency

Prior to retirement, my career was in Surveying and I spent many years in Local Government managing a team of surveyors. My interests include live entertainment (I am a patron of the Concordia Theatre), discovering new places with my touring caravan, and reading railway and social history. I also support local animal rescue organizations, and I have adopted several older rescue dogs.

Why am I standing as PPC for Hinckley and Bosworth?

I love my country and I am not happy with the way it is being governed. I hold the strong belief that we are a sovereign and island nation, and that we should not be governed by any foreign court or organization. I recognize that the inevitable cycle of alternating Team Red and Team Blue at Westminster is a cycle doomed to failure. Both parties have proved unreliable, and both are distracted by interminable and counter-productive internal disagreements. Over the years, neither party has proved willing or capable of offering what we, the electorate, wants and voted for.

Owing to this regrettable state of affairs, today it is difficult to find anything in our country which is not broken or which is still fit for purpose. For example - Border Control, the Police, the N.H.S., the Economy, suitable support for Veterans, Cost of Living, Pensions, Employment, Education, etc. The current High Tax and Low Growth policy is unsustainable, and we are seeing our country and our way of life being ruined. We are a democracy, but we are not getting the government that we deserve. Reform UK is the alternative that can help us to achieve a better life.

Through Reform UK, I want to help turn our country around. To stop the rot. To bring back prosperity to our country. To mend broken Britain. I am standing as a candidate for Reform UK, because it is the only party that recognizes that we need to examine all our main institutions and work out how they can be restructured and revitalized to meet our needs and how these changes can realistically be financed – as detailed in our equivalent of a manifesto called ‘Our Contract with You’ on the party website. 

As your Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth Constituency, I consider myself very fortunate to have this opportunity to work towards these goals.  I believe we can save Britain and make our lives better. A vote for Reform UK is a vote for change - change for the better.

An M.P. has an important role in national government, but also has a duty to represent all constituents at a local level. I have lived in Barwell for the past 8 years, so I have genuine local knowledge of the main concerns and problems we face in the constituency where I am standing for election. I know, for example, that there are particular issues concerning the expansion of towns and villages without the infrastructure and facilities being upgraded, thus increasing the pressure on the existing infrastructure and facilities, the present planning system is broken, it ignores cumulative effect of developments and the true need for major road improvements, new schools and G.P. Surgeries, I shall do my best to fight for a common sense, fair and balanced revision of the Planning Laws.

I became active in mainstream politics when the Brexit Party was formed. I became a member, and later held the position of Bosworth Constituency Coordinator. When the Brexit Party became Reform UK, I transferred my membership. I have previously served for 10 years as an independent parish councilor, recently I have been a candidate for Reform UK in both the County Council and Borough Council Elections.

Now I am hoping that you will support me to act for you on a national level as your Constituency M.P., because, to quote our party, ‘Britain needs Reform and Reform needs You’. It can be done, and I really believe we can do it.

If you have any questions or comments or wish to offer support, I look forward to hearing from you.

Map of Hinckley and Bosworth

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Towns & Villages in Hinckley and Bosworth

Oaksthorpe Stretton en le Field
Appleby Magna
Newton Burgoland
Barton In The Beans
Little Orton
Orton on the hill
Newtown Unthank
Newbold Verdon
Kirby Mallory
Sutton Cheney
Sheepy Magna
Ratcliffe Culey
Fenny Drayton
Stoke Golding
Earl Shilton
Lash Hill
Little Twycross
Market Bosworth

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Peter Cheshire who represents Hinckley and Bosworth as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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