Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

South Suffolk Candidate
Beverley England

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Beverley England - Reform UK Candidate

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Beverley England - Reform UK Candidate

Beverley England Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for South Suffolk

Beverley England, the designated PPC for South Suffolk, brings decades of experience in commercial and high-spec residential interior design to her role. Having relocated to South Suffolk recently, Beverley's love for the countryside and passion for revitalizing neglected spaces drew her to the area, where she's found joy in daily walks with her dog and refurbishing a neglected barn.

With a thriving interior design business spanning over 30 years, Beverley's portfolio boasts prestigious clients like the Houses of Parliament, where she left her mark with iconic designs including the infamous £200-per-roll wallpaper. Beyond her professional endeavors, Beverley's interests span travel, culinary arts, beachside fish and chips, and the cultural sphere, where she finds inspiration in architecture and the arts.

Beverley's political awakening came during the Brexit debates, where she found resonance in the arguments presented by figures like businessman Richard Tice. Frustrated by what she perceives as a lack of genuine commitment to Brexit from the government, Beverley became increasingly disillusioned with mainstream politics, particularly in light of the handling of the pandemic and perceived erosion of free speech.

Her decision to stand as a Reform UK candidate stems from a belief in the party's common-sense approach and commitment to fiscal responsibility. Rejecting central bank digital currency (CBDC) and the World Economic Forum's influence, Beverley advocates for leadership by individuals rooted in the realities of everyday life, rather than career politicians. She seeks to represent the interests of South Suffolk constituents with integrity and transparency, promising to work tirelessly to reform the UK for the betterment of all.

Beverley invites support from fellow residents who share her vision for a fairer, more accountable society. With a pledge to prioritize the needs of her constituents and a determination to effect positive change, Beverley aims to spearhead efforts to Save Britain through Reform UK's platform. As she campaigns for election, she looks forward to the opportunity to serve her community and enact meaningful reform on their behalf.

Map of South Suffolk

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Beverley England who represents South Suffolk as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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