Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

Louth and Horncastle Candidate
Sean Matthews

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Sean Matthews - Reform UK Candidate

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Sean Matthews - Reform UK Candidate

Sean Matthews Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for Louth and Horncastle

My name is Sean Matthews, I am honoured and privileged to have been selected as the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate in Louth and Horncastle for ReformUK.

Who am I?

I joined the Metropolitan Police in 1993 working in various boroughs and specialist departments, giving me a deep and broad understanding of the communities I worked in. I trained as a family liaison officer dealing with bereaved families, a very difficult job, but one that molded me into someone who loves life and believes we should care much more for one another, and that we should concentrate on the here and now much more than on what has or will happen.

I retired from the Police in 2018 and we moved to Lincolnshire to live close to my eldest daughter. Choosing a farm just outside Horncastle, mainly because of the large field my younger children could run about in!

I have four children, my eldest lives in Lincoln and is about to give birth to my third grandchild. A son who until recently lived with us at the farm, and two younger children. One attends a school in Horncastle and one who went to another Horncastle school, since winning a sports scholarship at a school in Lincoln.

Since my retirement I became very involved in local politics, standing for election at both district and county elections, I ran elections campaigns for candidates at the last county election. I am very involved with the community, having been chairman of our local Parish meeting until last year. I am a huge rugby fan, my son plays for Lincoln RFC. We attend as many Leicester Tigers games as we can, and I try to play golf.

I coached both of my sons in rugby and still hold an RFU coaching qualification. I am currently studying a master’s degree in politics, philosophy and economics at the open university, and I am loving getting back into education.

Why Reform UK why Louth and Horncastle and why now?

I was very involved in the local Conservative party; I was chair of one of the branches and I was on the executive of the association. But the Conservative party were moving ever further towards a left-wing agenda that now makes them indistinguishable from Tony Blairs Labour government. Ultimately, the absolute nonsense that the Conservatives have put us through over the last few years by getting rid of PM after PM and finally forcing one upon the nation that no one voted for did it for me.

The day they elected Sunak I resigned and joined Reform UK, as many others did. It was one of the busiest days for Refom UK’s new members team! It proved a very comfortable fit and I decided that I wanted to do more than ever before and stand for Reform UK at the next election. Although I have a gargantuan task of overturning a 26,000 majority, I will work my hardest to become the next MP for Louth and Horncastle.

Reform UK policies make this task much easier, that and the two woeful socialist parties. The Consocialists who have broken Britain and Labour who will bankrupt Britain.

Our low tax, net zero Immigration, cheap energy and zero waiting lists policies make Reform UK the only real alternative choice.

We are the only party who WILL stop illegal immigration, we will reform the public sector, we will scrap the nonsensical net zero policies and we will deal with institutions like the BBC and the out of touch House of Lords.

It’s time to shake up the two-party election stalemate, they have completely let us down. This can and has happened before, there was no Labour party 125 years ago. I hope I will get your support at the next election; I hope this country take the bold but necessary step to elect someone new, both here in Louth and Horncastle and Nationally. So, let’s make Britain Great, it’s time to reform the UK, it’s time for Reform UK.

It is going to be a very expensive election, with the two main parties throwing every penny they have at it. If you can help fund me win this seat, please scan the QR code below which will take you to my gofundme page.

Map of Louth and Horncastle

Reform UK Neighbouring Constituencies of Louth and Horncastle

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please scan the QR code below which will take you to my gofundme page.

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Towns & Villages in Louth and Horncastle

Halton Holegate
North Thoresby
North Holme
St James
St Margarets
St Marys
St Michaels
Sutton On Sea
Tetney Lock
Theddlethorpe St Helen
Theddlethorpe All Saints
Woodhall Spa

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Sean Matthews who represents Louth and Horncastle as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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