Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

Bridgend Candidate
Caroline Jones

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Caroline Jones - Reform UK Candidate

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Caroline Jones - Reform UK Candidate

Caroline Jones Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for Bridgend

Caroline, a lifelong resident of South Wales, embodies a rich tapestry of experiences that shape her commitment to public service. Born into a family with a proud history of service and hard work, she is the daughter of a dedicated Serviceman and the granddaughter of a miner.

Her journey in Bridgend has been marked by a diverse career, including teaching in local schools, contributing to Local Government, and managing her own department in Bridgend's privately run prison. Transitioning to entrepreneurship, Caroline owned three small businesses in Bridgend and Porthcawl, fostering local employment and economic growth.

Caroline's dedication to public service reached new heights from 2016 to 2021 when she was elected as a Member of the Welsh Parliament, representing the people of Bridgend. During her term, she actively participated in the legislative process, attending 331 parliamentary sessions, delivering 344 speeches, and posing 450 questions, showcasing her commitment to effective governance.

Beyond politics, Caroline is deeply engaged in her community, demonstrating a heartfelt connection to causes close to her. As a Buddy for breast cancer patients, she met with 18 individuals in 2023, embodying her commitment to supporting those facing adversity. Serving as the Chairman of a local veteran's hub, she pays tribute to the armed forces, emphasizing the importance of gratitude for the safety they secure for the nation.

Caroline's passion for her community is evident in her advocacy for residents' concerns. She addresses the challenges faced by Wales, expressing concern about the feeling of desperation in many areas, the plight of the homeless, and the neglect of veterans.

She critiques the state of public services, citing the imbalance in the NHS and the challenges faced by farmers and students. Her vision for Reform UK/Cymru resonates with a call for lower taxes, energy cost reduction, public sector reform, border control, and economic stimulus. The party's commitment to abolishing VAT on domestic fuel, eliminating business rates for small and medium firms, and investing in military support underscores Caroline's drive for positive change.

Caroline urges voters to be bold, emphasizing that Reform offers a distinct alternative to traditional party politics. With an eye on leaving a legacy for future generations, she envisions a Wales and a UK that are not broken but thriving through effective leadership, informed decision-making, and a reduction in wasteful practices.

Map of Bridgend

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Towns & Villages in Bridgend

Brackla East
Coychurch Lower
Brackla East Central
Brackla West
Brackla West Central
Bridgend Central
Merthyr Mawr
Coity Higher
Porthcawl East Central
Porthcawl West Central
Cefn Cribwr
Kenfig Hill
Rest Bay
St Bride's Minor

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Caroline Jones who represents Bridgend as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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