Frank Ward
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Frank Ward - Reform UK
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- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone #: 01777 706382
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Frank Ward Biography for Bassetlaw
Early Life and Background
Frank Ward was born in the East End of Glasgow and lived in various locations across England before settling in Retford. As the eldest son of a bread salesman, Frank began his career as an apprentice at a shipwright on the River Clyde, notably at the same shipyard where Billy Connolly trained.
Military Service
At just 17 years old, Frank enlisted in the Royal Marine Reserves. By the age of 18, he had earned his qualifications as a parachutist and became a green beret member of the Royal Marine Commandos.
Political Experience
Frank Ward boasts nearly 25 years of experience as an elected borough councillor. Over his extensive career, he has held several key roles, including group leader, chairman of housing, council-appointed director of a housing association, chairman of a community association, and chair of school governors.
In 2012, Frank joined UKIP and quickly ascended to the position of chairman of Hertsmere UKIP. He stood as a UKIP candidate for Parliament in 2015, securing one of the highest vote counts for the party and pushing the Liberal Democrats into fourth place.
After relocating to Retford in 2016, Frank rejoined UKIP in Bassetlaw. Following the death of his wife, he authored a book on politics, published in 2022, before returning to the political arena with Reform UK.
Current Ambition to Promote Change
At the age of 86, Frank Ward is proud to be the Reform UK Parliamentary candidate for the Bassetlaw constituency, making him the oldest candidate in history to stand for Parliament in Westminster.
His candidacy is driven by his concern for the elderly and infirm, who he believes are often overlooked by Westminster until election periods, despite being a reliable voting demographic. Additionally, Frank is dedicated to reforming the "first past the post" electoral system, advocating for Proportional Representation or the Single Transferable Vote—systems already used in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland for their devolved governments. Frank argues that if these systems are deemed equitable for devolved governments, they should also be considered for Westminster.
Frank has begun campaigning in the Bassetlaw towns of Worksop and Retford on Saturday mornings. He invites residents to meet him and witness firsthand his commitment and political expertise aimed at addressing the needs of the community and challenging the insularity of Westminster politics.
Map of Bassetlaw
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Constituency Information
Electorate: 75773
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The content, views and opinions expressed by Frank Ward who represents Bassetlaw may not reflect or be supported by PaulHopkins.co.uk or Reform UK the political party of 124 City Road, London. EC1V 2NX

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