Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

Houghton and Sunderland South Candidate
Sam Woods-Brass

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Sam Woods-Brass - Reform UK Candidate

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Sam Woods-Brass - Reform UK Candidate

Sam Woods-Brass Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for Houghton and Sunderland South

For my whole life; I have given back to my local community. Building on hopes; dreams; and aspirations. All with the agenda of making the "Houghton and Sunderland South" constituency - a place to be proud of. I have worked hard within the background of my community to instill a sense of belonging, filling with pride and building a culture of love and respect.

From many voluntary activities to raise funds and create opportunities for my peers; to my rewarding career as a mental health nurse helping those who are struggling to find their inner strength. I have done this without recognition, as many of you will be unfarmiliar with my face, wondering who exactly I am.

Well this is me! I strongly believe that one thing this country needs is change. That change being Reform. At least for our next generation. I do this for the future of our children!

As I sit as a councillor within Hetton Town Council and see the spark of independence from my neighbours with inspiration from all those around me, I stand for those who feel silenced; those who feel ignored and without a voice. From everyone i speak to, we all have one thing in common.

We all recognise a crucial fact. That Britain as we know it - is broken. The word "Conservative" is now interchangeable with "failure" and a lot of us find that word so offensive that it turns our stomach into fits of rage.

However, as we look at the alternative, a future of "Starmergeddon" with Labour policies, to send more funds abroad to pay Europe to complete a task that should have been done already - and should be funding themselves! A task which in itself has failed time and time again. Leaving Britain in more economic dispair than we have ever seen before. Conservatives have truly broken Britain and Labour will Bankrupt Britain.

This is the time for change, and as we know it - change is possible!

I hear a lot of people refuse to vote, believing it a pointless exercise. Conspiracies running rampant believing the system is fixed, that nothing will change. However, we proved this wrong when we voted for Brexit. This is a change we stood for, this proves our voices can be heard.

As the popular saying goes "shy bairns get nowt" This is why i ask of you; spread the word, share the news and join us. Only through increasing numbers can we make a stance against the plans laid out before us.

If you wish to support us in anyway... please share our content, follow us on social media, youtube and spread the word. There are still many people that have never heard of Reform. Lets bring them good news. Together we can make change into a reality.

Map of Houghton and Sunderland South

Reform UK Neighbouring Constituencies of Houghton and Sunderland South

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Towns & Villages in Houghton and Sunderland South

Copt Hill
Doxford Park
Shiney Row
St Annes
St Chads

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Sam Woods-Brass who represents Houghton and Sunderland South as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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