Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

East Surrey Candidate
Chris Scott

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Chris Scott - Reform UK Candidate

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Chris Scott - Reform UK Candidate

Chris Scott Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for East Surrey

Chris Scott, a native of Surrey, spent his formative years in colonial southern Africa before returning to pursue a career as a commercial pilot at the age of 18. With over 22 years of experience in command, including extensive time checking fellow pilots, Scott's aviation career has been both varied and distinguished. Now residing with his wife in the picturesque constituency, they enjoy the delights of grandparenthood, supported by their two children, one of whom operates a successful architectural visualization business within the constituency.

Scott's journey into politics was spurred by his disillusionment with the handling of Brexit and the direction of the Conservative Party under David Cameron. Joining UKIP in 2015, he actively campaigned during the General Election and the pivotal 2016 Referendum. Disheartened by the parliamentary inertia surrounding Brexit and the subsequent collapse of UKIP, Scott found a new platform in the Brexit Party in 2019, contributing to their success in the European Elections and the subsequent reshaping of British politics.

Despite the promises made, Scott observes that Brexit remains incomplete, with significant challenges and compromises still looming. He highlights the erosion of British sovereignty and the failure to address immigration concerns as key issues facing the nation. Frustrated by what he perceives as a lack of leadership and accountability, Scott seeks to represent the voice of ordinary citizens who feel disconnected from the political establishment.

Scott's concerns extend beyond Brexit to encompass a range of pressing issues affecting the nation. From energy policy to healthcare and education, he criticizes what he sees as a pattern of mismanagement and neglect by successive governments. Scott advocates for common-sense solutions and a return to traditional values, emphasizing the need for practical policies that prioritize the well-being of British citizens.

As a candidate for Reform UK in East Surrey, Scott is committed to representing the interests of his constituents and challenging the status quo. He acknowledges the challenges facing a new and underfunded party but remains hopeful that with grassroots support and community engagement, real change is possible.

For those who share his vision for a better future, Scott invites support and involvement in his campaign. Whether through volunteering, providing campaign venues, or simply spreading the word, he believes that together, ordinary people can reclaim their voice and reshape the direction of the country. Get in touch with Chris Scott via email to join the movement for reform.

Map of East Surrey

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  • Sign Nomination Papers :Pledge to sign nomination papers for your local candidate. They require 10 signatures from constituents as soon as the election is called.
  • Leaflet Distribution :Help spread the word by delivering leaflets for your candidate in your community.
  • Door Knocking :Engage with voters directly through door-to-door canvassing. Your conversations can make a significant impact on our success.
  • Street Stalls :Volunteer at our street stalls in high-traffic areas to amplify our message.
  • Display Support :Show your support by displaying a window poster or house board outside your home.
  • Administrative Support :Assist with various administrative tasks to keep our operations running smoothly.

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Chris Scott who represents East Surrey as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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