Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great

North Cornwall Candidate
Rowland O'Connor

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Rowland O'Connor - Reform UK Candidate

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Rowland O'Connor - Reform UK Candidate

Rowland O'Connor Biography, Parliamentary Candidate for North Cornwall

Rowland O'Connor, a newcomer to the political scene, steps into the arena with a fervent desire to address the myriad challenges facing the United Kingdom. Formerly disengaged from politics, O'Connor found himself compelled to act upon witnessing the state of disarray within the nation's governance.

In 2023, the United Kingdom grapples with pressing issues:

  1. Immigration Crisis: Illegal migration surges unabated, straining resources and taxpayers' wallets. O'Connor highlights the urgent need for effective measures to address this issue, emphasizing the burden it places on the populace.

  2. Healthcare Backlog: The public healthcare system grapples with a staggering backlog of over 7.4 million patients, underscoring the need for comprehensive reform to ensure timely and efficient care for all citizens.

  3. Labor Unrest: Strikes within the public sector escalate, echoing echoes of the tumultuous 1970s. O'Connor advocates for solutions that prioritize stability and collaboration between workers and employers.

  4. Economic Instability: Spiraling inflation exacerbates financial hardship for many, jeopardizing access to essentials such as housing, food, and energy. O'Connor stresses the necessity of proactive measures to mitigate the impact of rising costs on the populace.

  5. Net Zero Mandates: Imposed net zero policies, originating from unelected global bodies, strain the economy without clear consensus or tangible benefits. O'Connor advocates for a balanced approach that safeguards both the environment and the prosperity of current and future generations.

  6. Taxation Burden: The United Kingdom faces its highest taxation burden in 70 years, coupled with a decline in the quality and availability of public services. O'Connor advocates for fiscal responsibility and efficient allocation of resources to address these challenges.

  7. Political Distrust: Various scandals erode public trust in the political system, leaving faith in politicians at an all-time low. O'Connor pledges to restore integrity, transparency, and accountability to the political landscape.

Driven by a sense of duty to his country and a vision of a fairer, more equitable society, Rowland O'Connor presents himself as a candidate for North Cornwall. With a commitment to decency, honesty, and truth, he aims to be a steadfast voice for the values that once defined the United Kingdom.

Map of North Cornwall

Reform UK Neighbouring Constituencies of North Cornwall

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The content, views and opinions expressed by Rowland O'Connor who represents North Cornwall as the Candidate may not reflect or be supported by or Reform UK the political party of 83 Victoria Street, London. SW1H 0H

Reform UK, Let's Make Britain Great
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