Robert Kenyon
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Robert Kenyon - Reform UK
- Website:
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone #: 07938 412657
- Facebook: /profile.php?id=61553126710156
- Twitter/X: /Makerfield_RFK
- YouTube: /@MakerfieldReformUK
Councils in Makerfield
Robert Kenyon Biography for Makerfield
We the people of Makerfield have always worked hard, either in the mills or the mines throughout history or today trying to get by in this cost-of-living crisis. We are a special bunch; we know our worth but we aren’t getting what we deserve.
Our roads are full of pot holes, the hospital’s overflowing, people can't afford to get on the housing ladder, apprenticeships are hard to come by, drugs are rife and openly taken, pubs are closing down, parents have to work full time away from their kids 40 odd hours a week just to get by and many are struggling, pensioners are sat in cold houses scared to put the heating on because it costs too much, wokeness creeps into every aspect of our lives and our freedoms are being gradually taken away.
I'm not standing by whilst any of that happens, I'm taking a stand against it. Evil prevails when good men stand by and do nothing, I'll fight for what's right and do my bit.
I will fight tooth and nail in Parliament to ensure we get our worth from the tax money that we pay. I’ll work harder than any politician in the Country to ensure that we get what we deserve. The difference between me and a typical politician is I have done many a hard day’s work in my life, I know struggle from first-hand experience growing up in a single parent household on free school dinners.
I’m a plumber, I’ve served in the British Army, I worked for NHS for 6 years including throughout the pandemic, my family name can be traced back to living in Makerfield for at least the last 200 years, I'm a rugby league fan, a family man, a military man and a tradesman.
I don't like the way our Town and Country has gone since Tony Blairs government ruined the Country and then the Tories have carried it on to the mess we have now. I'm throwing my hat into the ring because I can't stand by idle anymore, I want to make Wigan/Makerfield better and despite what chance we may have or the obstacles we might face, I’m willing to get stuck in and do what’s right for the people of Makerfield.
When the next General Election is called, please have the courage to lend me your vote and I promise I will make Makerfield a better place to live for us all. We can change this, we can make Makerfield better, your vote can make that happen.
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Robert Kenyon
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The content, views and opinions expressed by Robert Kenyon who represents Makerfield may not reflect or be supported by PaulHopkins.co.uk or Reform UK the political party of 124 City Road, London. EC1V 2NX