Reform UK - Pensions & Social Care

Our Elderly Deserve to be Treated with Dignity and Respect

Reform UK will ensure that our elderly people can live with dignity through long-term reforms funded by a growing economy.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Commence Royal Commission of Inquiry into Social Care System
    A national plan is critical for a sustainable social care system. The sector needs flexibility, tax incentives, VAT breaks and less waste. Simplify social care through a single funding stream, instead of the split between NHS and Local Authorities. More funding will be needed when a national plan is agreed. Leave a Comment
  • Stop the Offshore Taxpayer Rip Off
    Some larger care home providers are avoiding tax on hundreds of millions of profits through complex offshore property company structures and high interest shareholder loans. This has to end.Leave a Comment
  • Review Pension Provision
    The current pension system is riddled with complexity, huge cost and poor returns leading to less uptake. Countries like Australia do savings and pensions much better and cheaper than we do and from a much younger age. Leave a Comment
  • End the Mineworkers Pension Scandal
    We accept the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee 2021 recommendations in full to amend the Mineworkers Pension Scheme arrangements so that all the scheme surpluses accrue to the MineworkersLeave a Comment
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Commence Royal Commission of Inquiry into Social Care System

A national plan is critical for a sustainable social care system. The sector needs flexibility, tax incentives, VAT breaks and less waste. Simplify social care through a single funding stream, instead of the split between NHS and Local Authorities. More funding will be needed when a national plan is agreed.

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Stop the Offshore Taxpayer Rip Off

Some larger care home providers are avoiding tax on hundreds of millions of profits through complex offshore property company structures and high interest shareholder loans. This has to end.

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Review Pension Provision

The current pension system is riddled with complexity, huge cost and poor returns leading to less uptake. Countries like Australia do savings and pensions much better and cheaper than we do and from a much younger age.

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End the Mineworkers Pension Scandal

We accept the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee 2021 recommendations in full to amend the Mineworkers Pension Scheme arrangements so that all the scheme surpluses accrue to the Mineworkers

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