Reform UK - Net Zero

Net Zero is Crippling our Economy

Net Zero is pushing up bills, damaging British industries like steel, and making us less secure. We can protect our environment with more tree planting, more recycling and less single use plastics. New technology will help, but we must not impoverish ourselves in pursuit of unaffordable, unachievable global CO2 targets.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Scrap Net Zero and Related Subsidies
    Ditching Net Zero could save the public sector over £30 billion per year for the next 25 years. Leave a Comment
  • Scrap Annual £10 Billion of Renewable Energy Subsidies
    Achieve this through equivalent taxes on them. Renewables are not cheaper. Our bills have increased dramatically in line with the huge increase in renewables capacity over the last 15 years.Leave a Comment
  • Cheap, Secure Energy for Britain
    Start fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil. Grant shale gas licences on test sites for 2 years. Enable major production when safety is proven, with local compensation schemes. Leave a Comment
  • Cleaner Energy from New Technology
    Fast-track clean nuclear energy with new Small Modular Reactors, built in Britain. Increase and incentivise ethical UK lithium mining for electric batteries, combined cycle gas turbines, clean synthetic fuel, tidal power and explore clean coal mining. Leave a Comment
Let's Save Britain

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Scrap Net Zero and Related Subsidies

Ditching Net Zero could save the public sector over £30 billion per year for the next 25 years.

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Scrap Annual £10 Billion of Renewable Energy Subsidies

Achieve this through equivalent taxes on them. Renewables are not cheaper. Our bills have increased dramatically in line with the huge increase in renewables capacity over the last 15 years.

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Cheap, Secure Energy for Britain

Start fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil. Grant shale gas licences on test sites for 2 years. Enable major production when safety is proven, with local compensation schemes.

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Cleaner Energy from New Technology

Fast-track clean nuclear energy with new Small Modular Reactors, built in Britain. Increase and incentivise ethical UK lithium mining for electric batteries, combined cycle gas turbines, clean synthetic fuel, tidal power and explore clean coal mining.

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