Reform UK - Immigration

Uncontrolled Immigration has Pushed Britain to Breaking Point

Reform UK will secure Britain’s borders to protect wages, our public services, and British culture and values.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Freeze Non-Essential Immigration
    Strict limits on immigration are the only way to relieve the pressure on our housing, public services, increase wages and protect our culture, identity and values. Essential skills, mainly around healthcare, must be the only exception. Leave a Comment
  • Stop the Boats with our 4 Point Plan
    Leave the European Convention on Human Rights. Zero illegal immigrants to be resettled in the UK. New Department of Immigration. Pick up illegal migrants out of boats and take them back to FranceLeave a Comment
  • Secure Detention for all Illegal Migrants
    All asylum seekers that arrive illegally from safe countries will be processed rapidly, offshore if necessary. Those entering from a safe country will also be barred from claiming asylum or citizenship. No legal aid for non-citizens. Those rejected will be returnedLeave a Comment
  • Immediate Deportation for Foreign Criminals
    Deport foreign nationals immediately after their prison sentence ends. Withdraw citizenship from immigrants who commit crime with the exception of some misdemeanour offences. Leave a Comment
  • Bar Student Dependents
    Introduce new visa rules for international students that bar dependents. Only international students with essential skills can remain in the UK. Close down fake courses and immigration schemes that abuse the rules.Leave a Comment
  • Stop Health Tourism and Immediate Access to Benefits
    We will impose a requirement of 5 years residency and employment to claim any benefits in the UK. Leave a Comment
  • Employer Immigration Tax
    The National Insurance rate will be raised to 20% for foreign workers. This would incentivise businesses to employ British citizens whose National Insurance rate would stay at 13.8%. Essential foreign health and care workers would be exempt from the tax, as would businesses who employ 5 staff members and under. This would boost wages and could raise more than £20 billion over five years to pay for apprenticeships and training for young Brits. Leave a Comment
Let's Save Britain

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Freeze Non-Essential Immigration

Strict limits on immigration are the only way to relieve the pressure on our housing, public services, increase wages and protect our culture, identity and values. Essential skills, mainly around healthcare, must be the only exception.

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Stop the Boats with our 4 Point Plan

Leave the European Convention on Human Rights. Zero illegal immigrants to be resettled in the UK. New Department of Immigration. Pick up illegal migrants out of boats and take them back to France

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Secure Detention for all Illegal Migrants

All asylum seekers that arrive illegally from safe countries will be processed rapidly, offshore if necessary. Those entering from a safe country will also be barred from claiming asylum or citizenship. No legal aid for non-citizens. Those rejected will be returned

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Immediate Deportation for Foreign Criminals

Deport foreign nationals immediately after their prison sentence ends. Withdraw citizenship from immigrants who commit crime with the exception of some misdemeanour offences.

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Bar Student Dependents

Introduce new visa rules for international students that bar dependents. Only international students with essential skills can remain in the UK. Close down fake courses and immigration schemes that abuse the rules.

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Stop Health Tourism and Immediate Access to Benefits

We will impose a requirement of 5 years residency and employment to claim any benefits in the UK.

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Employer Immigration Tax

The National Insurance rate will be raised to 20% for foreign workers. This would incentivise businesses to employ British citizens whose National Insurance rate would stay at 13.8%. Essential foreign health and care workers would be exempt from the tax, as would businesses who employ 5 staff members and under. This would boost wages and could raise more than £20 billion over five years to pay for apprenticeships and training for young Brits.

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