Reform UK - Housing

Britain has a Housing Crisis

Reform UK will ensure that people can own their own home by unleashing housebuilding across the country and cutting immigration.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Review the Planning System
    Fast-track planning and tax incentives for development of brownfield sites. ‘Loose fit planning’ policy for large residential developments with preapproved guidelines and developer requirements.Leave a Comment
  • Reform Social Housing Law
    Prioritise local people and those who have paid into the system. Foreign nationals must go to the back of the queue. Not the front.Leave a Comment
  • Scrap section 24 for Landlords
    The tax system should encourage smaller landlords into the rental markets. Not penalise them. We will restore landlords’ rights to deduct finance costs and mortgage interest from tax on rental income.Leave a Comment
  • Abolish the Renters’ (Reform) Bill.
    Existing legislation was inadequate to address bad practices. Instead, we will boost the monitoring, appeals and enforcement process for renters with grievances.Leave a Comment
  • Protection for Leaseholders
    All potential charges for leasehold or freehold residents must be clearly stated and consented to. Enforce Section 106 agreements. Ensure it is cheaper and easier to extend leases to 990 years and buy freeholds.Leave a Comment
  • Incentivize Use of New Construction Technology
    We will incentivise innovation to speed up building: modular construction, digital technology and building sites that improve efficiency and cut waste.Leave a Comment
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Review the Planning System

Fast-track planning and tax incentives for development of brownfield sites. ‘Loose fit planning’ policy for large residential developments with preapproved guidelines and developer requirements.

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Reform Social Housing Law

Prioritise local people and those who have paid into the system. Foreign nationals must go to the back of the queue. Not the front.

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Scrap section 24 for Landlords

The tax system should encourage smaller landlords into the rental markets. Not penalise them. We will restore landlords’ rights to deduct finance costs and mortgage interest from tax on rental income.

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Abolish the Renters’ (Reform) Bill.

Existing legislation was inadequate to address bad practices. Instead, we will boost the monitoring, appeals and enforcement process for renters with grievances.

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Protection for Leaseholders

All potential charges for leasehold or freehold residents must be clearly stated and consented to. Enforce Section 106 agreements. Ensure it is cheaper and easier to extend leases to 990 years and buy freeholds.

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Incentivize Use of New Construction Technology

We will incentivise innovation to speed up building: modular construction, digital technology and building sites that improve efficiency and cut waste.

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