Reform UK - Economy - Business

Our Economy Needs Reform

Reform UK will back risk takers and wealth creators and make sure that Britain is open for business.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Free Over 1.2 Million Small and Medium Sized Businesses from Corporation Tax
    Lift the minimum profit threshold to £100k. Reduce the main Corporation Tax Rate from 25% to 20%, then to 15% from Year 3Leave a Comment
  • Abolish IR35 Rules to Support Sole Traders
    Britain’s self-employed often work longer hours and take more risks. Many have no pension and receive no sick payLeave a Comment
  • Lift the VAT Threshold to £150,000
    Free up small entrepreneurs from red tape.Leave a Comment
  • Support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
    Abolish Business Rates for high street based SMEs. Offset this with Online Delivery Tax at 4% for large, multinational enterprises to create a fairer playing field for high streets. Cut entrepreneurs’ tax to 5%.Leave a Comment
  • Reform the Planning System
    Fast-track new housing on brownfield sites and infrastructure projects to boost businesses, especially in coastal regeneration areas, Wales, the North, and the Midlands. Leave a Comment
  • Slash Red Tape to Boost Industry and Exports
    Scrap thousands of laws that hold back British business and damage productivity, including employment laws. We must make it easier to hire and fire so that businesses can growLeave a Comment
  • Reform the Tax System
    Major simplification is needed. At over 21,000 pages, the UK’s tax code is a burden. Hong Kong’s tax code is under 500 pages.Leave a Comment
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Free Over 1.2 Million Small and Medium Sized Businesses from Corporation Tax

Lift the minimum profit threshold to £100k. Reduce the main Corporation Tax Rate from 25% to 20%, then to 15% from Year 3

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Abolish IR35 Rules to Support Sole Traders

Britain’s self-employed often work longer hours and take more risks. Many have no pension and receive no sick pay

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Lift the VAT Threshold to £150,000

Free up small entrepreneurs from red tape.

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Support Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Abolish Business Rates for high street based SMEs. Offset this with Online Delivery Tax at 4% for large, multinational enterprises to create a fairer playing field for high streets. Cut entrepreneurs’ tax to 5%.

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Reform the Planning System

Fast-track new housing on brownfield sites and infrastructure projects to boost businesses, especially in coastal regeneration areas, Wales, the North, and the Midlands.

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Slash Red Tape to Boost Industry and Exports

Scrap thousands of laws that hold back British business and damage productivity, including employment laws. We must make it easier to hire and fire so that businesses can grow

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Reform the Tax System

Major simplification is needed. At over 21,000 pages, the UK’s tax code is a burden. Hong Kong’s tax code is under 500 pages.

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