Reform UK - Children & Families

Britain has one of the Highest Family Breakdown Rates in the Western World

Reform UK believes that strong families are the bedrock of a thriving society – we will support family formation and give parents back control.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Support Marriage Through the Tax system
    As soon as finances allow, introduce a UK 25% transferable marriage tax allowance. This would mean no tax on the first £25,000 of income for either spouse. This will help make work pay and incentivise people trapped on benefits back into the workplaceLeave a Comment
  • Choice for Stay at Home Mums or Dads
    The majority of mothers would choose to stay at home more if they could. Front-loading the Child Benefit system for children aged 1-4 would give parents the choice to spend more time with their children. Leave a Comment
  • Mandate Single Sex Spaces
    Public toilets and changing areas must provide single sex facilities. Leave a Comment
  • Promote Child Friendly App Restricted Smartphones
    Social media is associated with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, suicide and the child mental health crisis. Launch an inquiry into social media harmsLeave a Comment
  • Review the Online Safety Bill
    Social media giants that push baseless transgender ideology and divisive Critical Race theory should have no role in regulating free speechLeave a Comment
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Support Marriage Through the Tax system

As soon as finances allow, introduce a UK 25% transferable marriage tax allowance. This would mean no tax on the first £25,000 of income for either spouse. This will help make work pay and incentivise people trapped on benefits back into the workplace

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Choice for Stay at Home Mums or Dads

The majority of mothers would choose to stay at home more if they could. Front-loading the Child Benefit system for children aged 1-4 would give parents the choice to spend more time with their children.

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Mandate Single Sex Spaces

Public toilets and changing areas must provide single sex facilities.

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Promote Child Friendly App Restricted Smartphones

Social media is associated with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, suicide and the child mental health crisis. Launch an inquiry into social media harms

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Review the Online Safety Bill

Social media giants that push baseless transgender ideology and divisive Critical Race theory should have no role in regulating free speech

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