Reform UK - Brexit

Brexit Means Taking Back Control of our Borders, Money and Laws

Reform UK will do what the Tories have failed to - grasp the huge opportunities of Brexit

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Legislate to Scrap EU Regulations with Immediate Effect
    Britain still has over 6,700 retained EU laws, which we will rescind. British laws on State Aid, Competition, Employment, Net Zero and the Environment are still based on EU regulations. Leave a Comment
  • Abandon the Windsor Framework
    This is worse than the original Northern Ireland Protocol. The UK has been partitioned down the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland is still in the EU’s single market for goods. It is unacceptable that British citizens in Northern Ireland are being ruled by EU laws.Leave a Comment
  • Independence for Britain’s Armed Forces
    The government has signed up to the EU Horizon programme. That means we send money to the European Defence Fund and part of the EU’s military mobility project. Our Armed Forces are at risk of being sucked into an EU Command and Control Force.Leave a Comment
  • Prepare for Renegotiations on the EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement
    A so-called EU ‘level playing field’ is holding us back.Leave a Comment
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Legislate to Scrap EU Regulations with Immediate Effect

Britain still has over 6,700 retained EU laws, which we will rescind. British laws on State Aid, Competition, Employment, Net Zero and the Environment are still based on EU regulations.

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Abandon the Windsor Framework

This is worse than the original Northern Ireland Protocol. The UK has been partitioned down the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland is still in the EU’s single market for goods. It is unacceptable that British citizens in Northern Ireland are being ruled by EU laws.

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Independence for Britain’s Armed Forces

The government has signed up to the EU Horizon programme. That means we send money to the European Defence Fund and part of the EU’s military mobility project. Our Armed Forces are at risk of being sucked into an EU Command and Control Force.

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Prepare for Renegotiations on the EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement

A so-called EU ‘level playing field’ is holding us back.

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