Reform UK - Agriculture

British Farming Needs Reform to Take Advantage of Brexit

Reform UK will revitalise Britain’s agriculture to give a muchneeded boost to our farmers and guarantee the country’s food security.

Critical reforms needed in the first 100 days:

  • Increase the farming budget to £3 Billion
    Focus on smaller farms. Keep farmland in use. Bring young people into farming. Boost rural economy and culture. Increase innovation and diversification. Help farmers to farm, not pay them to leave or retireLeave a Comment
  • Scrap Climate-Related Farming Subsidies
    Productive land must be farmed, not be used for solar farms or rewilding. Replace current subsidies with direct payments. Stop Natural England from taking action that damages farmersLeave a Comment
  • Protect Country Sports
    These increase investment and help conservation of our environment. They boost rural jobs, communities and local economies. Leave a Comment
  • Stop Supermarket Price Fixing
    Grant powers to the Competitions and Markets Authority to ensure fair pricing. Help farmers sell their produce directly to the public. Change planning laws to support farm shops with zero business rates.Leave a Comment
  • Buy British. Buy Quality
    Target 70% to ensure food security. Taxpayer funded organisations should source 75% of their food from the UK. Clear labelling for consumer choice. Boost smaller food processors and abattoirs through tax breaks and other incentives. Leave a Comment
  • Farming not Form Filling
    Many farmers spend over 15 hours a week on paperwork. Cut red tape from HMRC and the British Cattle Movement Service.Leave a Comment
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Increase the farming budget to £3 Billion

Focus on smaller farms. Keep farmland in use. Bring young people into farming. Boost rural economy and culture. Increase innovation and diversification. Help farmers to farm, not pay them to leave or retire

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Scrap Climate-Related Farming Subsidies

Productive land must be farmed, not be used for solar farms or rewilding. Replace current subsidies with direct payments. Stop Natural England from taking action that damages farmers

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Protect Country Sports

These increase investment and help conservation of our environment. They boost rural jobs, communities and local economies.

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Stop Supermarket Price Fixing

Grant powers to the Competitions and Markets Authority to ensure fair pricing. Help farmers sell their produce directly to the public. Change planning laws to support farm shops with zero business rates.

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Buy British. Buy Quality

Target 70% to ensure food security. Taxpayer funded organisations should source 75% of their food from the UK. Clear labelling for consumer choice. Boost smaller food processors and abattoirs through tax breaks and other incentives.

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Farming not Form Filling

Many farmers spend over 15 hours a week on paperwork. Cut red tape from HMRC and the British Cattle Movement Service.

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